Welcome CovenantEyes Members

As a Covenant Eyes user, we know that you have made a commitment to guard yourself and your family when using the internet. Making responsible choices on what your family sees and experiences on the web is crucial. We all know that making purchases and selling your goods and services on the internet can be tricky, with all of the invasive pop-ups and inappropriate promotions bombarding you as a user. For just this reason, Covenant Eyes is pleased to offer you the opportunity to introduce you to the Talents2Work marketplace. The marketplace is designed to serve business and consumers at the same time!

Business Owners:

Whether your business is home-based, traditional retail or online, Talents2Work provides you with unique access to thousands of consumers around the world. As a participating business, you can choose from a basic web listing, up to a fully e-commerce enabled store with a custom shopping cart. The offerings have been modestly priced to allow for maximum participation for all sizes of merchants.

All plans are priced less than $20/month with NO set-up fee.

Shopping members:

No Where else on the Internet will you find a marketplace designed for Christians that showcases good and services offered by Christians! You can shop confidently knowing that merchants have made a statement of faith before they put their talents to work and listed their good and services here for you.

Please take a moment to view the opportunities presented through Talents2Work. I am sure that you will agree that Talents2work is the number one place to market and purchase goods and services to the Christian Marketplace.

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